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 Kitty Dps looking for a new home - Denied. 
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Post Kitty Dps looking for a new home - Denied.
A little bit about yourself-

Who are you IRL? my name is Lasse

- How old are you? im 34

- Where are you from? i live near copenhagen- denmark

- Occupation (Work/school/etc)?
at the current moment im going to school studying sales techniques

Your character-
Class: im playing a feral dps
- Race: she´s an NE
- Level: 85
- /played time for this character? 105 days
- Your Armory link: ... cna/simple

- Do you have any alts?

actualy i do have one of each class level 80 i leveled them all up just too see how the different mechanics works alltho ..this is my super priest ... cne/simple
and before you ask anything about this i´d like to explain that i rerolled kitty
i will explain more about that later on.

- You might get asked to respec for guild needs, will you do that with no hassle?-

yes this will be no problem for me and i can play pretty much all specs, BUT im the kind of guy who prefer sticking to one spec for getting most out of it
, i mean every one can play a spec but in my personal experience you should allways stick to one spec.

Applying from an X-Realm? :-
- atm im playing on agamaggan
- Whats your old nick on that realm? :karolìna
- What was your old guild name? : Nal Ra which changed name to HD

- The core of Nal Ra consists of players from the ages of 18 to 30, and we do not tolerate immaturity very much. We do not have any age limit, but you will be required to act and behave with a decent amount of maturity, is this something you can do?-

Yes ofc, as you saw the age of me i can behave act mature, ofc everyone can have a rage moment but im way above the line where you can call my actions childish

What is your previous raid experience in World of Warcraft?

god , where to begin :
Vanilla WoW: i miss these days, i started out doing ZG after that i moved into MC i had a hard time on raggy even,
with the 40 ppl you were going back then
when we were full T1 we moved on to BWL quickly got 1st boss down BUT Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, christ this little f.... made me cry now and then,
ANYWAYS lets jump a bit shall we i joined a HARDCORE guild on stormreaver called Dark ritual which pretty much got me trough hole vanilla

ZA, Maggy, Gruul, BT, MH, SSC and TK,even sunwell we cleared

well, i left dark ritual due getting tired of playing 6 days a week was a little to much for me in the end rly ,but thats another history
but i cleared 11/12 harcore 25 man in wotlk my priest have both ICC10 and ICC 25 achivement drake,ulduar 10/25 achivement drake

Cata:god i love cata ,back to good old CC´ing days, at the current moment i have cleared 9/12 on druid , actualy 1 % wipe for having 10/12 alltho i know the fights on the last 2

- Which of those raids did you progress through while they still were the top tier?
that may have been the old naxx´s version and sunwell

- What guilds have you previously been in, and why did you leave?

Dark ritual
Nal RA ( changed name to high definiton)
and now with some friends eternus incendia

i started my wow career on stormreaver where i joined scrub guild
i was there for a short period then decieded to move along,
since i realized that i actualy was good at playing this game then,
i joined a hardcore guild named dark ritual were i was for a long i noticed that these ppl was really skilled,
and started to raid 5-6 days pr week that i did trough vanilla up in tbc were we pretty much cleared anything including sunwell.
as goes for the guild im in now i havent left it yet,
but atm im sharing spot with 3 other shadowpriest so its quite crowded and to be honest im sick of 25 man raiding guilds
and the atmosphere isent really what it was anymore theres some bad memories for me in this guild,its a long story i´ll nbe happy to explain ingame
anyways with this said i have only been in 4 guilds during my whole wow career

- What is your reputation with:

- Guardians of Hyjal (caster head enchant) : this will be my last one to work on but honored
- Ramkahen (melee agility - hunter head enchant) : allmost exalted
- The Earthen Ring (tank head enchant) : exalted
- Therazane (shoulder enchants) :exalted
- Wildhammer Clan (melee strenght head enchant) :exalted

- We are a PvE Guild, this means our main priority is PvE progress, which means a lot of farming materials when not raiding,
checking up on tactics and keeping yourself up to speed with future encounters, is this something you can do?

Absolutly , i actualy enjoy farming for mats on druid

Raid days :

as i explained i got quite frankly tired of spending up to 6 days a week by raiding so therefore i would like to keep it close to 3 days a week as a raider

- Do you expect those playtimes to change anytime within the near future?-

dont really care about raid times and dont mind extending now and then for the greater good

How do you see your class role in end game raiding?

i find kitty dps usefull for the interupting,and the crit ofc

- What do you do to stay updated on your class, raids and the game in general?-

im usualy looking at tankspot and MMO for updates.

How did you hear about Nal Ra, and why do you want to join us?

i was actualy trolling around on the forums seaching for old members of nal ra and spotted your guild i miss the old nal ra ,
i love the name and i have a lot of good memories sticked to this name and your just about there in progress id like to be

- What trade skills do you have, and do you have any notable recipes?

at the moment my druid have herbalism and LW, my LW have a skill of 520 and may be the most expensive shit i EVER lvled up anyways can in any time buy the epic recipe´s if any needs it.

- We use ventrilo and some in-game addons to aid us in our progress, will you be able to get these if you join us?

yes ofc no problem there using vent myself and if u want me to DL some extra ordinere addons il be happy too do that aswell

- Using Ventrilo greatly helps to increase our communication during combat, do you have a microphone and would you be able to use it when deemed necessary?

yar i can speak listen all you like

- What kind of connection do you have? And is it stable? Do you DC often? Do you have lag/lagspike issues?-

using an 8/1 mb line at the moment

Do you know anyone in Nal Ra who could recommend your application?

i do not ,unless this is the old old nal ra from back then which i doubt were the one i was in.

- Post a screenshot of your UI in and out of raid combat.

no need to do that im using blizzards standard ui upgraded a bit with feral addons

- Why should we pick you? Please include a link to WWS / WMO / WOL with your performance in raids.

i can bring alot of good to this guild im a steady ,mature going guy who can control him self ,i can bring loads of humor and not to forget im not even close for being a guild jumper

i know the class i play to my backteeth,
Anyone saying: A Dead dps is NO DPS, my answer to that:
If the only way you can do high dps you will fail/die you shouldn't belong in a top notch raiding guild,
but go back pugging 2/12 cataclysm raids.
I can watch for 5 things at the same time, while still doing high dps.
Its not like its a super hard game,
Raider who brings it when asked of and someone who knows him self and someone who wants to improve to be better in the sligthest of ways.
you can expect that I will come prepared and ready

- Did you read the "Read me thread"? :check

Do you accept our guild rules? : check

- Where did you read this? "Further more, any loot that is a direct upgrade to our MT's, tanking gear will go to him without any questions asked, to aid us in our progress."-

haha no worries as i said i DID read the rules guys

Oh, almost forgot this. Are you a whiner?

only when im running out of coffie and smokes while raiding

What we expect from you
- Level 85
- Can read, write and speak English.
- Stable Connection.
- High activity. ( 75% raid attendance, prefer 100% as Trial )
- Knowledge of your class, keeping mistakes to a minimum.
- Able to use Ventrilo 3.0
- Preparation. You will need to come prepared for raids with Food, Elixirs, Flasks and Pots.
- You will also need to read up on tactics and prepare yourself fully for raids.

check to all these above.

What do you expect from us?

same as you expect from me , and hope to get some good memories back from when i was in my own nal ra :)
anyways about me rerolling i have been playing my priest for quite some time now and dont feel the same for it anymore,
i have been playing kitty now and then and i must say i rly enjoy this class and spec i play this spec and class very well,
ofc im not 101% flawless with this said its not that im not 100 % focused or anything but it takes several years to learn a class to the backteeth,
i have played my druid ALOT ,and same with my priest
these two classes are the one im sticking too, my priest is now retired for good and i will focus 110 % on my druid,
about the priest link is more or less
so you could track my raiding history
thats about it guys.
Hope you enjoyed reading this apply

i´d also like to mention that i dont mind rotating if the melee spots have been
a bit overcrowded,alltho i would appreciate to atleast raid some

EDIT if u find any mistakes in this application it might have something to do that i got the flu and 39 degrees fever >: then i apologize

Wed Jan 26, 2011 09:52
Idle-friend of guild
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Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2006 19:02
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Post Re: Kitty Dps looking for a new home
Sorry but I dont think this is quite the guild for you. Only raiding 3 days a week isn't enough for us and another feral probably wouldn't be the best thing for our setup either. Good luck finding your guild though.

~ Practice Makes Perfect ~

Wed Jan 26, 2011 19:07
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Post Re: Kitty Dps looking for a new home - Denied.
allright, had a little talk with mahal ingame ,anyways now you know where you guys can find if some good news comes up , cheers

Wed Jan 26, 2011 19:31
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